Our vision is for truly inclusive schools, where the needs of all children are met exceptionally well, including vulnerable learners, those from potentially disadvantaged backgrounds, those with special educational needs and the most able.
Our approach to curriculum is inclusive and built on the premise that all learners have an entitlement to powerful knowledge and an excellent education. This is key to social justice. Through excellent teacher training and development and the use of evidence-based teaching approaches we ensure that all learners can access the curriculum, providing additional support where needed to meet childrens' needs.
As part of our approach to inclusion we also champion equality and diversity, ensuring our schools are places where difference is celebrated. Our schools also prioritise pastoral support and pupils’ personal development and wellbeing to ensure they are able to achieve their potential. We believe that our schools can be truly inclusive whilst also having an academic vision where children achieve highly.
Inclusion expertise
Our central education team, supporting our schools to continuously maintain and improve their educational standards, includes our team of experts who work directly with our schools.
They work on key areas of inclusion, including:
- Pastoral support
- Improving pupil attendance
- SEND provision
- Behaviour standards
- Reducing exclusions