Inspiration Trust celebrates knock-out A-Level Results across its family of sixth forms
Inspiration Trust is celebrating yet another year of impressive results across its family of Sixth Forms with a brilliantly high number of grades at A*-A, numerous students off to study at prestigious Oxbridge and Russel Group universities, and one student even securing the highest result in all the country for Further Maths!
This year’s results continue to cement Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form’s spot as one of the top sixth forms in the country with 40% of all grades being an A* or A with 85% of all grades being A*-C.
Alongside this, the sixth form college has 15 pupils who are going off to Oxbridge, Medicine or Veterinary Schools following their fantastic results.
Chris Jennings, Principal at Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form said
“At Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form we are so proud of our students and the hard work they have put in to achieve these results with 40% of all grades being A*-A! A-Levels can be a very stressful experience for students and it is wonderful to see them get the success they deserve.”
Jane Austen College Sixth Form is celebrating similar success with 30% of all grades at A*-A and 90% of all grades being A*-C.
With a focus on academic excellence, Jane Austen College has been recently praised by Ofsted with confirmation that if they were to carry out a full inspection, the academy would be rated as ‘Outstanding’. This year’s results go on to cement this with over 45% of grades awarded A*-A being in English Language, French, German, Graphics and Psychology, with 100% of its students who applied for a place at an Oxbridge University securing their spot.
John Vincent, Head of School at Jane Austen College Sixth Form said:
“Congratulations to our sixth form students! The results today are testament to the hard work and dedication of both our students and staff. I am delighted to see 30% of all grades at A*-A and I am very proud of all that our students have achieved. I would like to wish them every success as they move on to the next steps in their academic careers, having secured some fantastic placements at university.”
Over at King Edward VII Academy Sixth Form and Thomas Paine Sixth Form staff and students are also celebrating with 70% of all grades at A*-C.
At KES Sixth Form, they are also enjoying another year of Level 3 success, including a 100% pass rate in the Cambridge Technical Sport and Physical Activity course with Hayden Lambert achieving a triple Distinction and Ben Isaacson, Charlie Royle and Ethan Wilson all signing professional football contracts.
Alongside this, Alina Ahsan has been selected to receive the prestigious Gold Medal Award from the King in an in-person awards ceremony as well as securing her place at Oxford University to study medicine as she seeks to pursue a career as a doctor.
Sarah Hartshorn, Principal at King Edward VII Academy said:
“What an incredible achievement by our Year 13s! It’s been quite a year for our 2022-23 cohort, with Oxbridge university offers, eight semi-professional football contracts signed, and another consecutive year of 100% of our students going on to further education, apprenticeships, or employment. No matter what our graduates’ futures hold, once you are a student at King Edward VII Academy, you are a part of our community for life. We can’t wait to see what they will go on to achieve.”
Alongside celebrating their 70% A*-C, Thomas Paine Sixth Form is delighted to announce 100% of its students completing the Extended Project Qualification, where they pursue their own independent research project, achieved a grade C or above. The sixth form also saw particularly strong results in Computer Science, Music and Sports Science.
There were many standout performances from individual students, with Cathy Blakey-Stoppard achieving A*AB across Physics, Chemistry and Biology which has enabled her to fulfil her dream of securing a place to study Veterinary Medicine at Surrey University. Joseph Fricker achieved A*AB and a Distinction in Computer Science, a subject he will now study at the University of York while Ray Machado achieved ABB and is heading off to study Law at the University of Southampton.
Michael Fordham, Principal of the Thomas Paine Sixth Form and Thetford Academy, said:
“I am incredibly proud of our sixth form students. At Thomas Paine Sixth Form, we pride ourselves on offering a personalised approach to pastoral and academic support and are proud to have high aspirations for every one of our students. We have helped our students to set clear goals for the future and the grades achieved today are a result of their dedication to their studies, securing their places for university and the world of work. I would like to wish them every success as they move on to the next steps in their academic careers.”
Everyone at Inspiration Trust is extremely proud of what all its Year 13 students across all its sixth forms have achieved. Nationally, there has been a fall in results, but Inspiration Trust is proud to see their results remaining similar – a real achievement for all involved. Well done everyone! We can’t wait to see what brilliant futures you all have.